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The “Thrive in 2025” vision calls All Nations Community Church to embrace God’s promises of growth and impact, rooted in Isaiah 54:2. This 6-part series explores how we can thrive through faith, worship, community, mission, and stewardship.

– Current Bible Study –
Have you ever wondered what defines the Christian faith and why certain beliefs are central to our relationship with God? This Bible study series, Foundations of the Faith: Understanding Christian Doctrines, is designed to help you explore the bedrock of Christian theology, providing clarity on what we believe, why we believe it, and how it impacts our daily lives.
Recent Sermons
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Messengers: The Minor Prophets
Messengers: Minor Prophets July 19, 2023 – Current This is a series on the Old Testament Minor Prophets. Each week will focus on one prophet and their story or message. Common themes will run throughout these twelve prophets in Israel’s history, and a primary theme is restoration. Though the prophets often brought words of judgment, […]

Problematic Passages
Problematic Passages June 14, 2023 – July 12, 2023 This series looks at some of the passages in the Bible that don’t sit well with most modern readers. By exploring several parts of Scripture that challenge our understanding of the Bible and of God, we can strengthen our faith and find unexpected blessings in His […]

Second Corinthians
Second Corinthians January 4, 2023 – June 7, 2023 2 Corinthians is one of Paul’s more difficult writings to outline, the theme of reconciliation arises throughout. This study uses the theme of reconciliation as a lens through which to view the letter. The call of God both to Paul and us is to be people […]